Residential Phone numbers in Melbourne


Melbourne phone numbers for real estate lead generation

Are you a real estate agent based In Melbourne, looking to grow your client base and provide real value for local clients? We know that in the industry, one of the hardest challenges for real estate agents is finding quality real estate leads, rather than wasting time with dead ends. Radius Suburb can help.

Our calling data for real estate agents is used by over 700 agents across the country. Don’t fall behind your competition in today’s already challenging property markets. Join companies such as,, Ray White, First National and so many others who are already using Radius Suburb in Melbourne!

How does Radius Suburb help my Melbourne real estate lead generation?

Radius Suburb makes it easy for you to market your real estate services to the Melbourne suburbs. We supply a washed list of real estate leads that includes all the calling data for real estate leads – that’s names, addresses and telephone numbers.

Our online real estate database is available to download at any time over your yearly subscription. And rest assured this residential database is washed against the Do Not Call Register every 21 days, so you won’t be chasing loose ends.

Invest-property-brisbane-300x200.jpgWhere does the residential phone listing data come from?

Radius Suburb, and the partners we use, acquire real estate marketing data from several publicly available sources and data wholesalers. Think of our service as your one-stop shop for lead generation, as we gather all the useful resources you need to grow your own Melbourne residential database.

We have 15 years of experience in consumer data and transactional records, and have been recognised as one of the best real estate marketing databases in the industry.

What you can expect from our database?

Melbourne-based residential phone numbers by address
Radius Suburb acquires its residential phone numbers in Melbourne from various sources, including wholesale list providers, survey providers and opt-in websites.

Demographic Information
Our geo-location information is performed by GCNA and GGCD as well as valuable public record databases ensuring that you know about each property’s boundaries and roads.

Other Data Sources
Radius Suburb also has agreements with a large number of data clients to ensure the currency of the data by washing the real estate marketing records against their current customer data.

What are the many benefits for Melbourne real estate agents?

Residential Phone numbers in Melbourne

Effective telemarketing in your Melbourne area

Telemarketing has evolved and your farming databases need to reflect this. Straight up cold calling has proven to be an ineffective method of gaining valuable leads – mainly because most people won’t give you the time of day. You’ll achieve much higher prospecting from your residential phone numbers by making it personalised and actually asking for the resident by name.

Bypass the ‘junk mail’ factor

Dramatically improve your cut through rate of your direct mail communications by addressing residents directly – with their correct name.

Build your real estate client database through email

Arguably the most important aspect of your role, because this is what keeps the work coming! Combine personalised direct mail with a call to action to your own online landing page. This way you can obtain the email addresses of your prospects and keep this online community easily updated.

Personalising email messages with a first name is a powerful online remarketing tool. Keep this in mind, even well after you’ve contacted the prospect.

With just one low fee to access residential phone numbers in Melbourne over a 12-month period! Get in contact with us today and start growing your prospects today.


About Real Estate List Provider

Gain access to any suburb in Australia for an extremely cost-effective prospecting and real estate marketing lead solution. One price for any suburb in Australia, regardless of how many real estate leads there are. Radius Suburb will provide you with highly valuable, washed data to help generate real estate marketing sales leads with higher conversions.

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