Like any business, you need to have a set marketing plan in place to succeed in real estate.
The reasons for this aren’t necessarily that far off from other businesses, either. For your existing audience, marketing is essential to let them know about new developments, promotions, and details.
For people outside your audience, letting them know about your services and what sets you apart from the competition is key for helping to turn them into new clients.
With that in mind, here are 7 of the best examples of tools to enhance your marketing strategies.
Real Estate List Provider
One thing that often gets neglected, but is still extremely useful in a lot of scenarios, is cold calling. Cold calls have a relatively low barrier to entry in terms of cost and difficulty, making them a great way to expand your audience. However, to get the most success, you need lists of people who are most likely to be receptive to your offerings. That’s where these list providers come in. This makes a great starting point for your real estate marketing ideas.DocuSign
A major part of this industry is trust, and your clients want to know they are secure when signing important documents related to their transaction. DocuSign is extremely useful here, making it possible to electronically draft and sign different agreements. This is also extremely useful if your clients are geographically very far from you, ensuring that no one needs to travel unnecessarily to sign things in person.Animoto
Video marketing is one of the most potent forms of marketing available, due to the combination of powerful imagery and the ability to draw people in for larger amounts of information. However, not every team understands how to create video content on their own. Rather than relying on expensive independent contractors or freelancers, Animoto makes it easier to put together your own video/audio creative.Plezzel
Again, many small agencies may not have the means to hire creative talent full-time for marketing efforts, but don’t want to enter the freelancing marketplace. Plezzel helps with this by allowing for digital marketing automation, specifically designed to work with the platforms that Australian buyers agents are most likely to use.IRealty
As we mentioned before, it’s important for Australian real estate professionals to use platforms and tools specifically with their market in mind. IRealty is a good example of this. This platform is specifically designed to help agents design effective marketing emails, ranging from creating new templates to newsletter generation. Along with this, you can take advantage of the baked-in data functions in order to see how your email or newsletters are performing.Mailchimp
Mailchimp started as one of the most popular email marketing tools internationally, and has now developed into a full-on marketing suite. With that said, the email aspects of this are still the largest draw. A combination of an easy drag-and-drop interface, automation for sending, and real-time insights are enough to make this tool valuable for any agent.Hootsuite
Many agencies have multiple social media pages covering several of their different offices. Putting up regular, fresh content can be a pain to manage with a small team. This is where Hootsuite comes in. Manage multiple profiles across several platforms in one setting, planning out your social media calendar far in advance.
When it comes to real estate lead generation, you don’t necessarily want to treat this as a binary plan.
Remember, different client demographics use different methods in order to learn about places they are buying, or get help if they are selling.
Using a combination of these different tools designed for your target audience is the best way to see long-term success.
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